Chinchilla - Wookie Mercenary

Chinchilla was my friend Phil's character. Phil had a unique playing style and sought to find or create humor in all things.

Chinchila's résumé is long and distinguished.

Name: Chinchilla
Race: Wooky
Occupation: Mercenary

Objective: To kil stuf and have fun - mosly just have fun and stuf.

Kreetures kiled, mamed, and / or dismemb ... torn up:

Stormtroopers (lots)
Impereal Ocifers (lots)
Wampas (3)
Evil Darc Jedeye Masturs (1 .. ok I helped on that one)
Tie Fiter Pielots (5)


Kiling stuf
Riping stuf up
Taring arms out of sokets
Shoeting guns
Shoeting big guns
Shoeting ships guns
Taring up stormtroopers
Kiling stuff

Education: none

Medium: Pencil, Photoshop


Member since: 2007
Gilbert, AZ
