The Duel

Requested by Gamesmaster Pro on the request boards and my first
fulfilled request for SWAG as a SWAG guildmember.

Inspired greatly by the works of Frank Frazetta (though falling far
short of his genius), this was a piece I had in mind to do before I
took on the request and when I saw the request, I thought it would fitperfectly.
The brief was for a lightsabre combat or training scene for the cover of a fan supplement detailing Lightsabre specialisation for the RPG.
GM Pro wanted to make it look like the official supplements, so I
added the logo and accompanying text (though sadly I didn't have quite the right typeface).
The picture was drawn out in biro in my sketch book as seperate
elements and then scanned in and composited in Photoshop. I then
printed out a greyed version at A3 (16'x11') and went over it with a
black biro detailing it. That image was then scanned in, overlayed
onto a textured backdrop in Photoshop and then I painted the finished image in Painter.
There are definately elements I'm not happy with but I'm chalking it
down to experience and moving on.

Medium: Paper, Biro, Scanner, Printer, Photoshop, Painter


Member since: 2007
Cardiff, Wales